This will buy you a lightweight, aerodynamic unit with large, well placed vents for optimal ventilation.
The AS fired the remaining engines in short bursts, attempting to counter the twisting impulses from the larger vents.
Because the cooling air originates outside the building, one or more large vents must exist to allow air to move from inside to outside.
Air-intakes are provided to cool the Li-ion batteries and large vents are provided at the rear for dissipating heat from batteries.
Two large vents then whisk away the scent before it can settle.
With a little skill she could turn the howler and use the larger rear vents to bring her back; but she wasn't showing that skill.
An updated version has larger vents in the front and now includes a vented air flap near the back close to the outer guyline.
This meant that the car's radiators were now moved to the sides of the car, with large vents placed in the car's doors.
This rapidly became the dominant technology, allowing for larger vents and more complex shapes than hard shells.
Their surfaces are covered with tiny pores through which water is drawn into the body by flagella, and then expelled through larger vents.