A large flip tax, between 15 and 25 percent of the gain, would help pay off a city mortgage.
The more affluent, who pay the largest tax, are bitterly opposed.
Also, during the winter months a large tax is collected from the people, which is then available when work resumes in March.
Some of these jobs were later saved by dramatically increasing the city's parking tax, making it the largest such tax in the country.
I don't believe in larger taxes and larger government spending.
Her estate paid the largest taxes in the town of Uxbridge.
He had asked for the larger tax in order to fund his other priorities.
Though he would like to see even- larger tax cuts, it can no longer be said that Japanese fiscal stimulus is lacking.
That may eventually prove true, but despite large tax cuts the poverty rate has risen in each of the last four years.
The forward part of deck 7 houses a large tax free shop, with smaller shops located around the atrium.