By 1986, unemployment fell below 4 percent, and the state reported large surpluses.
Two years ago the administration promised to run large surpluses.
However, in the early 1880s, the federal government was running a large surplus.
China, which also has a large surplus, will also probably buy about $100 billion.
Although our report received heavy local press coverage, and the state budget was running a large surplus at the time, officials in Mississippi did nothing.
One is the issue of the large surplus that remains.
We had a very large surplus last year, and I will be coming back in this speech to its various elements.
Why, we ask ourselves, are there still such large surpluses in the 2002 Budget?
To do any of this, however, the federal government must run large surpluses.
They said there was no excuse for waiting, given the projections of a large and growing surplus.