Prizes will be awarded for the longest cucumber, the heaviest tomato and the largest sunflower.
Not two, not four, but three large sunflowers with faces like searchlights.
Included are the typical county fair categories such as the largest cucumber and the largest sunflower.
A large sunflower would smile, sparkle and sprinkle when hit, leading to fan excitement ("I caught a petal!")
Mycogen is one of the largest sunflower seed producers.
Chrissie lay on her stomach beside him, idly shredding the seeds from a large sunflower between her very white teeth.
There is a stencilled cornice line border and large yellow sunflower between all but one of the rafters.
The soap commercial died, there was a moment of blank air, and then on screen came a large sunflower with a hole in its center.
One large sunflower had grown up through the broken windshield of a bakery truck lying on its back like a dead dog.
Also has both a surface such as a gentlemanly and go as it is not attacked by a large sunflower to cry.