Tecciztecatl was portrayed as an old man who carries a large white seashell on his back.
Neptune has his legs spread apart and is balancing on a large seashell that carries both himself and Triton.
A very large red seashell lay on the sand.
In 1884, the statue by Crauk of a triton and a naiade, holding a large seashell spraying water.
The main portal is in Churrigueresque style with two levels and a crest in the shape of a large seashell.
The low glass table in front of the couch was adorned with large seashells and carved pieces of driftwood.
In some depictions, Tecciztecatl carried a large, white seashell on his back, representing the moon itself; in others he had butterfly wings.
He came back with a large, whorled seashell and put that with the root and the soot.
We hear the sound of the seashore inside large seashells because the shell echoes surrounding sounds.
They look like large seashells made of silver.