In addition, already existing drugs do not have the burden of large research and development expenses.
By 1947, the University had become a large research and teaching institution.
What you might be willing to pay me two million dollars a year for, plus a large research and development budget.
Most worked in areas that had universities or large research and development laboratories.
Because of its vast population, rapidly growing economy, and large research and development investments, China is considered an "emerging superpower".
Initially funded in 1869, it is the oldest, largest and most respected research University in the state.
The House is expected to take up the provision in the next few weeks, as part of a larger agricultural research and crop insurance bill.
Today it is a large research, scientific and educational center.
In addition to manufacturing electrical components, Sprague had a large research and development department.
It is the largest research and testing institute of aerodynamics in China.