MUSI: an integrated system for identifying multiple specificity from very large peptide or nucleic acid data sets.
The addition of larger peptides to the C-terminus is not viable because it reduces adenovirus integrity, possibly due to an effect on fiber trimerisation.
The derivatization problem can be resolved by cleaving large peptides into smaller peptides before proceeding with the reaction.
The lack of protease enzymes, which break down larger peptides into smaller components, that can work outside the cell limits the size of the molecules that yeast can used as a source for nitrogen.
Later opium-like activity was found in a group of larger peptides, named endorphins, and of which enkephalin was shown to be a key fragment.
This limits the effectiveness of drugs based on larger peptides and proteins (which are typically larger than 6000 Da).
These large peptides appear to be less potent than their smaller counterparts, but are also less sensitive to degradation and may represent endogenous, long-lasting activators in a number of pathophysiological situations.
Several pediatricians said the existing products had problems of taste and smell, which Carnation said had been overcome by using "somewhat larger peptides in its formula."
In order to prepare larger peptides, individual fragments are first produced, purified, and then combined to the final molecule by liquid phase synthesis.
However, several small-size peptides and many large peptides and/or proteins are still unavailable by classical methods.