As a developing monsoon depression, it had a large outflow.
That is the largest weekly net outflow since December 1999.
But while broker-sold funds are not drawing in much cash, neither are they seeing large outflows.
Despite the growth the church has relative large outflow of members.
This forces muscles to contract against the nonyielding wrap and results in a large outflow of lymph from the limb.
When released later this year, the figures for September and October are likely to show similar large outflows.
Without large debt write-off - probably close to 80 percent - Poland will face large outflows of capital.
That was far and away the largest outflow from the state since 1984, during the Rust Belt crisis, census data show.
In March, investors withdrew $2.3 billion from Putnam funds, the largest outflows of any fund company.
This analysis highlights any large future net outflows of cash and enables the bank to respond before they occur.