Others, typically independent operators working under contract to larger outfits, are increasingly taking sides.
Planetary decontamination was an old, established line, completely monopolized by two large outfits.
Others are larger outfits that operate white-water trips throughout the West.
When needed, he could promote himself to the head of a larger outfit, formed by men of his own choice.
This large, bustling outfit serves the best pizza on the seafront.
In 1860 he finally set out for Salt Lake with a relatively large outfit of four wagon teams.
It is not that large outfits inevitably seek to recruit liars.
Sometimes these large outfits recruit by inviting random players, generally causing the outfit to have a poor reputation.
The largest outfits in the history of the game have approached and sometimes exceeded 1000 members.
It has forged links with large foreign outfits.