However for many rivers in the proximity of humans, the largest input is from sewage whether treated or untreated.
During the country's 70 years of existence, the primary way of securing economic growth were based on large inputs of natural resources.
Mixing is critical in maintaining salinity such that extremely large inputs of fresh water are required to move X2 a short distance to the west.
Thus, it takes a large input of energy to break these solids so they are termed "high energy."
The large financial input needed for either venture, was not forthcoming.
"Boys' likelihood to 'act out' is sharply reduced when faced with larger and better parental inputs," said the study.
Cities require a very large input of freshwater and in turn have a huge impact on freshwater systems.
Some ventures have a larger input of external economies than the output.
However, the latter have been designed and implemented on another financial scale with a large input of professional labor.
With a sufficiently large input, the excursion will cause damage to the voice coil or other moving part of the driver.