While most job growth was generated locally, San Antonio leaders expect a large inflow of new facilities from outside the region during the 1980s.
The second largest inflow is the Baray, at the northeast.
Analysts at Donoghue's speculated that the large inflows might be attributed to two factors.
Ireland in particular had large inflows of cash from other parts of the world due to its low tax rates on corporations.
Obernach is the largest natural inflow to the lake, which flows in from the southwest.
This second and larger inflow of humans was different.
Money sent home by migrants constitutes the second largest financial inflow to many developing countries, exceeding international aid.
At the beginning of the year, he said, there is traditionally a large inflow of funds.
This is particularly important in Belgium, a small country with a relatively large inflow of foreign patients.
Their governments say they are unable to keep coping with such large inflows.