He lowered his hood and stepped forward, to find himself staring down the barrel of the largest handgun in the world.
He reached in and produced the largest handgun I had ever seen outside of a motion picture.
With almost supernatural calm, he pulled a large black handgun from the shoulder sling under his coat.
He turned in time to see the second man emerge from the gloom, a large handgun in his big fist.
Bandoliers of bullets were draped over their shoulders, while there was a large and impressive handgun on each hip.
That high tax rate would also apply to all .50-caliber ammunition, which is for very large handguns.
He aimed a large blue handgun at Joe Winder and grunted something unintelligible.
As the police cleaned up the carnage, a large handgun and the AK-47 were lying on the ground near a pool of blood.
He walked to a primitive cupboard against the wall, opened a drawer, and took out a large automatic handgun.
What I had was the world's largest handgun, impossible to aim with any accuracy and certain to jump like an insane frog when fired.