In 2006 the foundation was the fifth largest in Florida with $430 million in assets and the sixth largest giver with $22 million in grants.
Mr. Clinton occasionally played golf with a potential donor while other large givers and fund-raisers were taken on overseas trips or invited to state dinners.
Three tobacco companies were among the 10 largest givers to party committees.
The largest corporate giver in the states examined was the American Continental Corporation of Phoenix, a land development and building company.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy lists Pickens as among its largest charitable givers 2005 and 2006.
Some heavy contributors got none of the city's business, but the firms that won were among the largest givers.
Wal-Mart was the largest corporate giver, channeling 1.02 percent of income to philanthropy.
The EU is the largest giver of ODA and is a model for international cooperation, and can put this experience to good use globally.
Where the development funds are concerned, the EU is the world's largest giver of aid.