When mushrooms caps sprout, it is on the top of this larger, underground fungus.
Therein, it belongs to the Meessiinae, one of the larger fungus moth subfamilies.
During her career, she published almost 100 papers on fungi and plant pathology, together with two popular field guides to the larger British fungi.
Bink looked, and saw a large glowing fungus.
They typically have rings on the stems, which in larger fungi are detachable and glide up and down the stem.
We gaze up at a large fungus growing like a shelf out of the tree.
The largest and most nutritious fungi come from the first; the second produces smaller but more uniform ones.
Pandora, a large fungus that can quickly cover and consume all organic material in the vicinity.
A handbook of the larger British fungi.
He found a large fungus the size of his head, growing between two roping trees, with microscopic flowers flourishing on the black patches.