Because of low transportation and labor costs, Birmingham quickly became the largest and cheapest foundry iron-producing area.
The younger Hadfield took over the business in 1888 and built the firm into one of the largest foundries in the world.
In the Machine-tool company is a large foundry.
Many large foundries and glassworks attracted workers from all areas of Britain.
It is the largest pure-play foundry in the United States.
In the past, Birdsboro was noted for its large foundries and machine shops, none of which remain in operation today.
He wanted experience at a large foundry, but his youth and foreign origin seemed to tell against him.
The company operated a large foundry, and an extensive range of workshops.
The company built a large foundry in Detroit at a cost of $18,000.
The first large foundry was established in Chortitza in 1860 and other firms followed.