The company is spending more than $2 million to build a second large ferry that is to go into service this summer.
But in a few minutes we were following a line of cars onto the large, clean government-operated ferry.
Some live on the larger ferries, riding up and down the river, sleeping in a corner of the deck.
The need for a larger ferry on the Skarnsund service was also pressing.
At that time, there were five ferries running with a total capacity of 500 cars; the largest ferry could carry 150.
This was a larger ferry and they were on the lower deck.
In addition, there were a number of larger ferries for mass transportation which could be pressed into service.
At the time she was by far the largest ferry to have ever sailed in the Kvarken.
A large white ferry was anchored at the end of the dock.
He had never seen a ferry large enough to take several laden carts and wagons at once.