Following the lifting of a curfew, as of 23 May a large exodus left what was believed to be only 10,000-20,000 civilians in the town.
The mid-1990s saw a drop in Sunnybank's fortunes, with a large exodus of talented players.
Its immediate consequence was a large Protestant exodus from France.
Their departure was part of the larger Istrian exodus.
In the past few decades, there has been a large exodus of the upper middle class out of Haiti.
Part of the reason for the large exodus was the increasing population caused by falling death rates, which increased unemployment.
For that reason, most experts believe it unlikely that the economy will force a large exodus from private clubs.
A large Norwegian exodus occurred particularly to the islands in the west.
That's why I don't think there's going to be a large exodus of household capital from equities or bonds.
We are currently witnessing the largest long-term exodus since the displacement of the Palestinians in 1948.