Japan is already the world's largest debtor, and the new package will add further liabilities to be financed.
But in the process America became the world's largest debtor.
Brazil is the largest debtor among the world's developing and undeveloped nations.
Brazil, the largest debtor among the developing countries, owes $113 billion to foreign banks and governments.
Brazil, the third world's largest debtor, had not paid interest on its bank loans for almost two years.
That will make Brazil, the largest debtor in the developing world, current on its obligations.
Brazil, which owes a total of $114 billion to banks and governments, is the third world's largest debtor.
The province is one of the world's largest debtors.
Brazil is the largest debtor in the third world and owes about $62 billion to its commercial banks.
Of the eight, the largest debtor is Peru, which owes the bank $1.2 billion.