Along with the other large cutouts in the show's grand final room, "Zulma" brings the exhibition to its exhilarating close.
In addition to the painting, the space features large cutouts of its elements.
There was an even larger, otherwise identical cutout in the lobby.
Modern masks have a large cutout in the eye and nose area covered by a steel or titanium cage.
And the designation stuck, even though, in later decades, he moved into new areas of interest, producing landscapes and large abstract cutouts in metal.
What seemed like a series of large black cutouts of an unfamiliar animal flickered across the open ground.
There were just as many walls and small spaces, but the walls were either of a coarse mesh, almost more like fencing, or had large windowlike cutouts.
To identify themselves, each group held balloons or large cutouts of their Greek letters.
As a Long Beach player stepped to the free throw line, The Show member revealed a large cutout of an unflattering version of Michael Jackson.
There will be a large cutout of about 20 floors in the middle of the building, something akin to the Grande Arche building in Paris.