They were roped together, after all; but there shouldn't have been such a large crevasse just on the other side of the sastrugi.
It is named after the large crevasse directly below its north ridge.
The ascent normally takes 5-7 days, the main difficulties being the large crevasses that often block the route.
One particularly large crevasse forced them into a detour to the other side of the valley.
Eventually the torture subsided when Jim pulled the pick-up into a large crevasse at the base of some serious rock.
The Khumbu glacier that forms the icefall moves at such speed that large crevasses open with little warning.
A large crevasse, and a broken bridge, block travel to the south.
This larger crevasse was too deep to enter di-rectly, so Daeman crossed it on an ice bridge.
The Bergschrund is another widely known feature where the glacier pulls away from the headwall leaving a large crevasse.
The standard route requires crampons and an ice axe, but does not require roping up, as there are no large crevasses on Chachani.