The fines issued were part of what the agency called "a larger crackdown" on the customizing industry.
The investigation led to arrests that year and in 2009 as part of a larger crackdown in Brazil.
This has provoked the largest nationwide crackdown on crime in more than a decade and a wave of executions that has alarmed human rights organizations.
He also oversaw a large crackdown on corruption, which saw the sackings of a number of cabinet ministers and regional commanders in 1997.
Sundevil was the largest crackdown on boards in world history.
The raid on the parlor, called the Broadway Club, came amid a larger crackdown on poker clubs in the city.
Opposition parties say pressure on Studio B is part of a larger crackdown on independent news media.
Nine of the group's leaders were sent to jail, the largest crackdown yet by the junta, which had previously tolerated small-scale protests.
Police also took around 42 computers and approximately 25 BBSes, making it the largest crackdown on electronic bulletin boards in world history.
In the spring of 1987, the city began the largest crackdown on prostitution on the Strip since 1980.