Sky Cable, the largest consortium of all, plans to push 108 channels out of the heavens within two years.
But, they could join NTU, a relatively large consortium, and reduce the individual institution's cost to an affordable level.
In fact every day, over 600 different routes are run by a large consortium of both small and large buses and private taxis.
This group has another one coming, and a much larger consortium is coming out with its study later in the spring.
Many are part of a larger consortium that includes coed schools.
The order will also be the consortium's largest ever for cargo aircraft.
Competition law issues are usually important when a large consortium is formed.
Since 2000, he has coordinated the large international consortium that now oversees Fishbase.
PCL is developed by a large consortium of researchers and engineers around the world.
At that time, the writing of this concerto, which premiered in 2000, was inspired by the largest commissioning consortium to date in music history-39 orchestras.