Knauff was a music teacher in Virginia, who compiled popular and folk fiddle tunes into a large compendium, Virginia Reels (1839).
This tome, which has a more-than-passing resemblance to a telephone directory, is the largest compendium of mail-order sources.
'This one looks valuable,' I said, indicating the large illustrated compendium of Chinese gods.
I shrugged, and opened the large compendium of Chinese gods.
Syrianus (formerly the "Sixth-Century Byzantine Anonymous" or Anonymus Byzantinus) wrote a large, wide-ranging military compendium.
It is a large twelve-book compendium treating all aspects of contemporary land warfare.
He is the author of a very large compendium on spherical astronomy and astronomical instruments (sundials, astrolabes) entitled ami' al-mabadi' wa'l-ghayat.
William Byrd's "Great" Service is a large compendium that includes settings of the texts sung in the Matins, Communion and Evensong services.
The large compendium is published and well-identified.
However, modern encyclopedias are not merely larger compendia, including all that came before them.