One such very large burst caused the magnetic storm which blacked out the power in Quebec in 1989.
However, the process required exposure of the human body to large, multiple bursts of x-ray radiation.
They said it confirmed the view that the inflation rate had stabilized at a moderate level after a large early-winter burst.
Astronomers were surprised to see such a large burst of star formation because the galaxy is so small and from such an early cosmic era.
Architecturally this will be a distinctive addition to an area that has had a large burst of subsidized housing over two decades.
King was trying to sit up, his breath coming in large bursts.
Compensating for that requires a larger burst of gas, decreasing efficiency.
One large burst startled every-one, as if some smaller piece had broken off the bigger ball.
They are used for tasks that requires large brief bursts on energy such as jumping or running.
Just as Marc and crew went to see what was going on, a large burst of cream suddenly burst out, soaking the girl.