The larger western breakwater was extended in 1920 and heavily damaged by a storm in 1962.
Svartnes has a large harbor and port, protected by a large breakwater.
Built on the bare coast it consists of a large man-made harbour including a large breakwater and inland submarine warren.
As the work progressed, the dump was backfilled to create a large breakwater, which was later extended to the nearest of the offshore islands, Naos.
A large concrete breakwater and mounds of boulders lined the shore in our neighborhood, making the water inaccessible.
The large breakwater, bridge and marina could have a serious impact on the environment.
There are four large breakwaters protecting the village from the ocean.
However, in the early 20th century a large breakwater was constructed at Newhaven Harbour and the harbour entrance was regularly dredged.
The large, safe water marina was formed by the building of causeways and a large breakwater between a small group of tidal saltwater islands.
A short walk on a wooden walkway leads to the large, flat breakwater.