In a trial, Dardanus venosus showed a preference for large anemones over small ones.
According to researcher Joel Elliot, these associations occurred mainly in moderately exposed locations where the sea anemones and fish were both numerous; the large anemone offers the fish protection from predators and provides a safe environment for it to feed on copepods and other small invertebrates that are also associated with the anemone.
The strange deepsea life included dense clusters of large anemones, as many as 100 to a square yard, and giant mussels with the red gills that are typical of mollusks living near such hot springs.
It is hard to find a more pitiful sight than a clownfish desperately trying to associate with a shrunken unhealthy anemone a little larger than its own size.
The other commonest specie is the large, but very delicate, snow white Metridium anemone.
Cribrinopsis fernaldi is a large anemone that can be crimson red, orange or white.
Urticina crassicornis is another common large red anemone with lines radiating on the oral disk from the mouth towards the margin.
The long-tentacled anemone is a large anemone of up to 15 cm in diameter.
The starfish, Dermasterias imbricata, has been observed feeding on larger anemones in Puget Sound.
The false plum anemone is a large anemone of up to 20 cm in diameter.