The beat is provided by the largest gong.
Later it passed a lumbering ocean sunfish, a fish the size and shape of large gong that looks as if its tail has been cut off.
The vast double doors of the temple had been left unattended, and a large, polished gong lay on its side before the doors.
And then he hit a very large gong.
Somewhere, apparently close upwind, someone was beating a large gong.
The Olu is a large gong, about four feet long.
A large gong, intricate glyphs carved on its face, stood in one corner.
There is at least one large gong in each gamelan, but two are common and older gamelans may have three or more.
Unusual features of the court include a large gong hung in the last gallery.
The blowing of a polished shell trumpet or banging a large wooden gong signaled the alarm.