A shadow moved up and fell across the lantern beam.
But these were little yellow lantern beams, not the white glare of anbaric lights.
She placed each pile six paces apart, the distance between herself and the end of her lantern beam.
She pointed her lantern beam straight down the corridor until it glinted off shiny metal.
He peered ahead into the snow pirouetting through the lantern beam.
She was dimly aware of a red light flashing, like a lantern beam.
For no particular reason, Riker chose a direction and the others fell into step behind his lantern beam.
Mark flattened himself down on the rock, but he was beyond the range of the lantern beam.
Each time the lantern beam completed a sweep between the side walls they seemed to be a little bit closer together than they had before.
Again Karen shined the lantern beam on the trail.