Abandoning dignity, she dashed forward and threw her arms around his tall, lanky form.
Wesley's lanky form, still trying to grow into its own long bones, slowly sprouted from behind the panel.
She stopped, her eyes resting on the lanky form of Gawen.
Then she saw his tall, lanky form, maybe a hundred meters up the embankment, standing there, waiting for her.
Kafka knocked Millie to the ground and covered her body with his lanky form.
He recognized his brother's lanky form and Felicia's smaller, graceful one.
The door seemed hardly open before John Rowlands's lanky form was out.
The two guards outside were standing at attention; he straightened up himself when the tall and lanky form of the President walked in.
Trout settled his lanky form into a chair and shook his head.
After a moment a tall, lanky form blinked into sight, crumpled on the sidewalk.