They established schools, churches, libraries, reading clubs, and the only Icelandic language periodical in the United States.
It was also released in episodes in various German language Swiss periodicals.
Hey, It was announced that Tibet is going to launch the english language periodical on Tibetan studies this year.
As a young man, he was a journalist for Hebrew language periodicals.
Die Kuranten was the earliest known Yiddish language periodical.
We are gathering information, reading more foreign language periodicals, and Internet sites are being examined - that sort of thing.
This in turn gave precedence to the publishing industry in Holland, where the vast majority of these French language periodicals were produced.
It was the first Kurdish language on-line periodical.
It also houses approximately 4,400 Japanese periodicals and about 1,000 foreign language periodicals.
Much of the research is in Hebrew and German language periodicals.