This means that members of the Swedish language minority have the right to communicate with the state authorities in their mother tongue.
We are just beginning to get language minorities to vote more, and now all of a sudden we have this complicated process.
The third endows French and English language minorities the right to maintain and develop their own educational facilities.
Many articles of constitution about political freedoms and minority rights (e.g. education in mother language for language minorities) have not been applied at all.
In the province, language minorities are present, which are now recognized by law:
But since language minorities are numerous around Europe, "New Europeans" has been chosen for the international name.
Such people are termed linguistic minorities or language minorities.
"There are lots of language minorities in Europe, but they don't have a lot of power."
Like most people in other language minorities, deaf people are born into it.
The deaf culture sees itself as a language minority instead of a disability group.