The language of rights evokes the context of legal entitlement backed up by civil enforcement.
Their language evoked no images of rainbows and sunshine in Haplo's mind.
His language evokes a biblical sense of the cycle of life and death.
Agreed about the feeling that the language evokes something that precise prose can't too... At least there's that.
Philip Houghton's moody, atmospheric "Stele" (1989) draws on virtuoso technique, shifting timbres and an inventively open harmonic language to evoke images from ancient Greek art and mythology.
Even the very language itself evoked debate, with numerous translations generating wildly divergent versions of the passage.
Dartigues has observed that especially "from the 17th to the 19th century, the language of popular piety no longer evoked the resurrection of the soul but everlasting life.
The language of war also evokes the mobilization for a national effort.
"The novel's language - perfectly tuned to guilt, responsibility and transcendence - evokes the freshwater lakes and rivers that the characters navigate."