President Clinton signed a foreign assistance bill last week that includes language authorizing food assistance to armed opposition groups in southern Sudan, including the Sudan People's Liberation Army.
Certain programs, because the language authorizing them are included in appropriation bills, are termed "appropriated entitlements."
H.R. 2055 includes important language authorizing VA to access this important information so that our men and women in uniform can receive the best possible care.
Mr. Luxemberg said that while it is standard for the bylaws of residential co-ops to include language authorizing the board to charge such a fees and to require board approval before leasing out apartments, condominium bylaws vary greatly from building to building.
But Republican leaders last night were still discussing whether to include language authorizing a human rights commission in the trade bill.
Furthermore, the full House now backs language authorizing the $20 million, and on a roll call vote narrowly supported reversing the Mexico City policy.
Levin has cited 'the Supreme Court' in support of his language authorizing indefinite detention (see box above).
The bills contain sweeping language authorizing investigations into "matters pertaining to the judicial branch."
And while the letter writer indicates that the proprietary lease does not contain such a provision, Mr. Cholst said, it is possible that language authorizing a sublet fee is expressed in general terms, such as "subject to such conditions as the board may impose."
The CAA headed by Robert Hinckley,created the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 that contained language authorizing and funding a trial program for what would evolve into the Civilian Pilot Training Program (CPTP).