Upon opening in 1986, only four of the six available lanes were open - with the remaining two lanes reserved for cyclists & pedestrians.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as "cycleable lane" anywhere in India if by that you mean lanes reserved for bicycles.
Don't use the green lanes reserved for motorists who subscribe to the automatic pay system.
You'll have a shorter commute, since you and your carpooler(s) will be able to take advantage of the lanes reserved for high occupancy vehicles.
There are lanes reserved for lap swimmers, and groups of children splash around in the shallow end.
There were the large spaces, the busy scurry of pedestrians, the small vehicles speeding along the lanes reserved for them.
Because municipal policy actively promotes bicycle commuting, lanes and paths reserved for their use abound.
And then we were zipping through an opening and sailing along the high-speed lane reserved for those smart enough to transport more than just themselves.
A dedicated right-of-way is a lane generally in the centre of the street, reserved for transit vehicles.
The indoor pool always had two lanes reserved for swimmers who wanted to do lengths.