Designed as a series of large tropical leaf-shaped gardens, each with its own specific landscaping design, character and theme.
Under very close supervision, its vines can be a truly decorative addition to a landscaping design.
Lawrence Halperin was responsible for the landscaping designs of the library.
The landscaping design for the mansion was developed and implemented by William Speed of Louisville.
This site was once that of an ancient meeting place mound; it was partly excavated, and the mound reconstructed as part of the landscaping design.
The Olmsted Brothers of Massachusetts were chosen to provide the landscaping design and site plan.
Mr. Encinas said there would be a public competition to select a landscaping design.
Safety lighting can be part of the landscaping design and placed in the ground or shrubs, where the result pleases the eye and makes walking safe.
Cridland's landscaping designs represented early twentieth century landscaping trends that accompanied the revival of Colonial architecture.
The landscaping of the building will include native trees, grasses, and flowers, and the landscaping design will also act as climate shelter for the facility.