Excessive recharge may raise the water table locally, or at a landscape scale.
Landscape ecology - the relationship between spatial patterns of urban development and ecological processes on a multitude of landscape scales and organizational levels.
Umbrella species serve as "mobile links" at the landscape scale, in the jaguar's case through predation.
Based on the densities of surviving populations and trade statistics, it is probable that "terra firme" populations seldom exceeded one commercial tree per hectare at landscape scales.
The horizontal distribution of springtail species is affected by environmental factors which act at the landscape scale, such as soil acidity, moisture and light.
On a landscape scale, continued dissolution of calcium carbonate-rich rocks can lead to the expansion and eventual collapse of cave systems, resulting in various forms of karst topography.
To help categorize landscape scales some geomorphologists might use the following taxonomy:
This is done within a variety of landscape scales, development spatial patterns, and organizational levels of research and policy.
Large scale: Ecoagriculture moves beyond the management of individual farms and/or protected areas to help detect and plan for interactions among different land uses at the landscape scale.
In addition, important attributes such as wildlife population dynamics and watershed functions can be meaningfully understood only at the landscape scale.