Why spend so many lonely, weary hours in an alien landscape punctuated just occasionally by a tiny town or a grain elevator?
The show begins with sketchbooks Sargent kept from the time he was 16, with highly accomplished penciled landscapes punctuated with impish caricatures.
It's not the most scintillating of drives, taking in an arid, featureless landscape punctuated only by telegraph poles and isolated flat-roofed adobe houses.
For generations, Ladakh, a barren, moonlike landscape punctuated by monasteries, was almost cut off from the outside world.
Its route winds through what has become a primarily suburban landscape punctuated by significant pockets of rural conservation land and state forest.
Miles flew by in the barren landscape, punctuated only by the carcasses of kangaroos on the line.
From northern Connecticut to western New Jersey, highways formed a slick, slushy landscape punctuated by police flares and tow trucks.
A landscape of bare fields, punctuated by cattle, oil rigs, low, crawling cactus and mesquite stretches out from the church and the town of Throckmorton, Tex.
Ms. Freedman's monotype technique, on the other hand, is loose and painterly, using broadly brushed strokes to describe rolling landscapes punctuated by trees and ponds.
In the mid-1970s Monjett Graham started "Fantasy Landscapes" series, which consisted of exotic or mysterious landscapes often punctuated by temples, pyramids or ancient buildings.