This type of landscape motif, as well as religious figures from the earlier periods, would dominate his work over the next decade and a half.
She disappoints by being merely good; and without overtly provocative imagery, her new, mostly abstract paintings, based mainly on landscape motifs, are less than thrilling.
The house was close enough to the local schools for the children to attend and the surrounding landscape offered many suitable motifs for Monet's work.
In various ways, the landscape motif promises to dominate the summer exhibitions in the Hamptons.
The exhibition explores idealized scenes of hunts and ancient ruins, realistic images of romantic destinations like Italy, and stylized and abstract wallpapers using landscape motifs.
According to the brochure, these are "New works by the celebrated and controversial German artist [which] explore themes of history and abstraction in paintings derived from landscape motifs."
The large image is of Indian red soil interrupted by rows of seedlings; the smaller ones feature trees and other landscape motifs.
What is it that motivates painters to work directly from the landscape motif?
While Susan Ecker's vistas are also imaginary, they include conventional landscape motifs like the horizon line and vegetation.
She combines thick impasto with translucent pigments and shiny finishes to evoke generic landscape motifs like clouds, water and rocks.