Mr. Maazel should bring it back often and give audiences more chances to hear what he hears in this landmark piece.
In addition to receiving several accolades, the play has been described as a landmark piece in African American literature and black feminism.
This has been called "a landmark piece of work".
I'm referring to the details of any landmark piece of legislation.
(Members) have spoken on a landmark piece of legislation which sees Victoria leading and not following.
This memorial to the Manchester Martyrs is a landmark piece of sculpture now located in a prominent corner site.
He declined to restage the landmark pieces of the 1940's that made his reputation.
This landmark piece of legislation in the United States outlawed racial segregation in schools, public places, and employment.
This landmark piece of legislation was the world's first comprehensive declaration of equality for people with disabilities, making it the most...
It was a landmark piece of legislation, being the first the adopt the principle of sustainability.