This landmark legislation provided one the most significant investments in our nation's green industries.
This landmark legislation will finally bring commercial dog breeders under federal oversight.
But now there is a stiff legal challenge to the landmark legislation, considered the strongest law in the country on public access to the beach.
But he finds himself at the center of a storm over landmark legislation to normalize trade relations with China.
The program was part of landmark legislation that promised people with disabilities equal educational opportunities.
Head over to my contact page, and send me your questions about this landmark legislation.
For the answer, pay close attention to the House's roll call vote today on landmark legislation to make voting a lot easier.
This landmark legislation placed limits on the amount of lead that can be used in children's products.
I am proud to have helped pass this landmark legislation.
These gains came about because the nation as a whole, through the landmark legislation of the 1970's, told polluters to clean up their act.