But others feared that the restrictions that come with owning a landmark house will lower real-estate values.
So the couple were able to furnish the two landmark houses without the burden of possessions from their past.
Adam rents a sea captain's landmark house in New England.
She had come to try to persuade Sarkisyan to intervene in a family dispute over her grandfather's landmark house, completed in 1929.
Currently, there are no tax incentives for private homeowners of landmark houses.
This landmark house has a huge butterfly emblem on top.
And in Norwalk, a landmark Victorian house is being turned into inexpensive apartments for young workers.
But now this landmark house may be pushed aside by the very industry brought in to save this town: casino gambling.
Still, city officials are concerned because the landmark house, near Grand Street, is 177 years old and built on a wood frame.
A landmark house dating from 1799 features rooms furnished in the Federal and Empire styles of the early 19th century.