The rules appear stricter than the comparable provisions of a landmark bill hammered out last week to overhaul the nation's financial system.
On May 21, the President signed this landmark bill into law.
In July 2009, the government of Orissa passed a landmark bill to allow the massive university to be set up and function with autonomy.
This was a landmark Bill honoring America's Tribal people.
"It was the '86 tax act," he said, of the landmark bill he helped fashion.
Israelis are calling this a landmark bill.
Now that President Bush has signed a landmark bill adding drug benefits to Medicare, an overriding question remains: how well will it work?
Environmentalists consider it a landmark bill and will try to extend its provisions nationwide.
This is a landmark bill, the toughest in the nation.
This landmark bill, which would prohibit health insurance companies and employers from discriminating against people...