A maximum base rent increase for rent-controlled tenants, he said, becomes effective after the landlord notifies the tenant of the increase.
She said her landlord notified her that the rent on her two-bedroom apartment was going up $700 a month, or 18.7 percent, to $4,450 from $3,750, beginning Feb. 28.
In a forfeiture action the landlord must notify any person entitled to relief of whom he is aware (Ord 6, r 3(b).
In such a case, Mr. Schatsky said, the landlord could have notified the tenant of the new increase prior to the lease commencement date and adjusted the rent accordingly.
Their Japanese landlord, Genshiro Kawamoto, notified tenants several weeks ago that they had 30 days to move.
The landlord has now notified us that we must vacate the storage space.
After a few months, Mrs. Reese recalled, her landlord notified her that the rent was due.
Then their landlord notified his tenants about a co-op he was developing in the old All Saints High School in East Williamsburg.
In either case, the landlord can charge a higher rent, if the landlord, before the expiration of the original lease, has notified the tenant of the increase.
If a unit is vacant 35 days, the landlord must notify the city.