The new landlord should inform the tenant that their tenancy lasts only until the landlord's lease expires.
Soon the landlord informed Dan and Ann that the building was going to be sold and they would have to leave.
Some violators claim ignorance, but a separate bill pending in the Council would require landlords to inform commercial tenants about their responsibilities.
Our landlord has informed me that it is illegal for anyone to be on our roof, but several tenants sunbathe and watch fireworks.
Upon returning a few days later to return the room key, the landlord informs Chow that the room is not available due to renovations.
The landlord informed us that she moved out several months ago.
A passing landlord informs the characters that they have been unconscious for over a month after suffering an attack.
Example 3: A landlord informs a tenant that rent has been reduced, for example, because there was construction or a lapse in utility services.
In October, she said, her landlord informed her she had to move out by the end of the year.
Residents could be unaware of the violations if their landlords have not informed them of a building's status.