Some landlords, in fact, argue that in attracting the lucrative business from the city, they have had to improve their overall performance as landlords.
Prosecutors have said that landlord and boarder argued over unpaid rent.
Fourteen days seems to be a fair and reasonable period, although a landlord will argue that the rent should be paid on the due date.
But landlords argue that the answer is to build more housing of low and moderate price and not to interfere with conversions.
Either way, the landlords argued, the law is dead.
Otherwise, Mr. Higgins said, a landlord could argue that the lease was violated and could move to terminate it.
Few landlords argue with that fiscal logic.
The landlords argued that the fall was caused by the tenant's worn-out Top-Siders.
The landlord at the time argued that having a large bar so close would damage trade.
The best relief the city can give, the landlords argue, is more breaks on property taxes, which they say are based on inequitable assessments.