Fox Hollow was an island in a landlocked area of Virginia as surely as if its square mileage were surrounded by an impassable sea.
For example, some specialists say that encouraging chemical industries in landlocked areas with little available water is unproductive.
The market you'll see next," he added, "will be in landlocked areas.
This led to the formation of the North Central Command (which covers a landlocked area).
Gimje is the only one region where Koreans can see horizon in landlocked area.
Instead, they called for the country to be divided into three separate ethnic areas that would form a federal state but with Muslims in two landlocked areas.
In particular SADC manages road and rail corridors from landlocked areas to ports.
Sanpada is a landlocked area.
But for those of us who live in the landlocked areas of the city, this walkway along the river is, literally, a breath of fresh air.
According to Dreamtime legend there was a huge blind water snake living in the landlocked area of water known as Jalkawarrinya.