Aircraft transition to a landing configuration (wheels/flaps down) at 10-nmi from the ship.
Aircraft pass through the 6-mile fix at 1,200 feet altitude, 150 knots, in the landing configuration and commence slowing to final approach speed.
Blake dozed, but it seemed he had hardly shut his eyes when the shuttle's movement told him it was in a landing configuration.
The flight crew is thus provided with "earlier aural and visual warning of impending terrain, forward looking capability, and continued operation in the landing configuration."
Meanwhile, the rover transformed from its stowed flight configuration to a landing configuration while being lowered beneath the descent stage by the "sky crane" system.
At the time of the impact, the aircraft was in a normal landing configuration.
Stall speed in the landing configuration (V) of no more 83 km/h (45 knots).
It designed a new landing configuration, modifying the hydroplanar shape the craft assumed for gas giant descents.
V: Reference stall speed in the landing configuration.
Navigational fins, which normally were extended down at a slight angle from the nacelles, were folded upright into their landing configuration.