However, you can normally pass the cost on to businesses and local authorities on top of normal landfill fees.
But as landfill fees shot up along with the cost of employee benefits, publishers began looking for other solutions.
Why pay landfill fees that rise 250 percent?
Recycling may make economic sense in highly populated areas where landfill fees have been rising.
However, operators will pass the cost on to businesses and local councils on top of normal landfill fees.
VAT is charged on the landfill fees and the landfill tax.
It saves about $250,000 annually in overtime costs and landfill fees.
Last year, the Senate voted to permit states to impose higher landfill fees or to ban them altogether.
The new environmental precautions, shipping expenses and landfill fees will indeed raise the cost of burying trash.
"One of our theories is that with the rising price of landfill fees, weekend fishermen have decided to dump in the Sound."