Undaunted, he filed the suit hours after the announcement of the impending landfill closure.
After landfill closure the site will be landscaped to become part of Chino Hills State Park.
It addresses other vital environmental needs, including programs that put a crushing burden on local government finances, like landfill closure and programs to promote recycling.
The revenues, initially provided for landfill closures and solid-waste management, are projected at more than $45 million this year.
An organized citizens group was very active in the 1980s and played a role in the final landfill closure.
Environment During budget deliberations, lawmakers failed to establish a fund dedicated to environmental projects, including recycling, landfill closure and land acquisition.
Financial assurance-provides funding for environmental protection during and after landfill closure (i.e., closure and postclosure care).
The remaining $1.175 billion would be divided into these categories: * Solid-waste programs like recycling, landfill closure and medical-waste disposal would get $525 million.
In addition to land preservation, the fund will be used for landfill closures and other environmental purposes.
Financial Assurance - provides funding for environmental protection during and after landfill closure.