Under land-use restrictions in that area, a 15-lot subdivision would have been subject to park agency review.
The designation carries no land-use restrictions, but it does allow the state to convene an advisory group to address river-related concerns.
In his decision today, Justice Kennedy said that land-use restrictions that are unreasonable "do not become less so through passage of time or title."
But the property is often highly regulated, with land-use restrictions imposed by towns, the state and even the federal government.
Already, many large retailers are seeking special permits that would exempt them from current land-use restrictions.
A variance is the license to deviate from the land-use restrictions imposed by the zoning ordinance.
It was an endorsement of land-use restrictions that have made Oregon a national model for controlling growth.
Such a designation can open the door to significant land-use restrictions.
Natural Recovery (with limited land-use restrictions in anticipation of some illegal killing of wolves).
Excessive land-use restrictions and the threat of permanent rent regulation also discourage builders.